Sunday, November 17, 2013


This week has gone by so fast, it was an okay week this week was harder week In my recovery, my favorite part of the week was the weekend! I am able to move a little more each day&each week
I have Learned a lot threw going this recovery, that I never need to be afraid!
 1. Learning to  pray to my father in heaven,and know that he hears and answers prayers 
And he understand our needs, knowing that fath is and keeping my fath string

2.knowing that a trial that we go threw can can make is stronger, and teach me lession I never knew and be able to understand new things and to able to taken them into my daily life. I know Heavenly Father would never give me anything I couldn't handle,I'm strong I can do hard things but things are hard at frist and they get easier, step by step and day by day! 

3. To have a positive out look on things, no matter what happens even things get hard,

4 to be so grateful for the gospel and  choosing the right and know that I don't a need to worry as much because everything will be okay, and not taking life for granted,
5  to know that I have amazing skilled doctors ad nurses and Im grateful for modern medicine and Technology, 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finally my surgery story

Hey everyone 
 So here is run down of why I had my surgery in the first place,mahout 2 years ago I tour my meniscus in my right knee while hiking with family after surgery we realized something was just not right, after many X-rays and MRI and my knee, one of the x rays showed that I had bad hip dysplasia in my right hip, I have always walked and ran a little weird them most people my age, My mom actually was the frist one to recognize that I had bad hip dysplasia. Earler this year in Jaurary  I went to Anaheim California  (DIsneyLand) with my family, one of the days in the parks my right hip dislocated it hurt so bad took my breath away and I was in tears could barly walk with my mom dragging me.We got back into our hotel ans my mom gave me some pain pills, inside i wasnthinking it's really time to get my hip looked at its was just to much.After returning to Salt Lake City Utah, (Sandy) where i live.MY mom had very good Insurance due to her working at the University of Utah hospital as NBICU as a nurse ( new born intensive care unit) So I have been very blessed to have Amzaing Orthopedic surgeon DR. Christopher peters who is a World renowned orthopedic surgeon over the whole inter mountain west!
after getting some X-rays and scanning done we meet with the doctor he said my case was a quite a hard case due how  messed my hips where!My doctor and mom and I wanted to schedule surgery as soon as possible, I couldn't take the pain anymore with walking and my hip popping out, my surgery was surgery  surgery was set for May 22, I was freaked about this big surgery i was about but I was at peace getting this done 

The surgery i got was 2 surgery s in one, my femur was turner, was turned 25% present the wrong way so they had to cut and twist it back the right way after that he pretty my made me a new hip from peaces of my pelvis,my surgery was about 5 hours it was a long one but very PAINFUL I had an epidural to help with pain control due to the extent of my surgery was, I came out surgery crying so hard I was in, my surgery date was moved up to April because of my condition I was in and I could barley walk so my right hip/leg surgery was set for April 9 at the university of Utah Hospital! The Sunday before my surgery I had 3 of my uncles and a 2 brothers,my dad and grandpa gave me a peristhood blessing it was bueatful. Per op went well but the surgery unit was busy I was suupost to in surgery by 10:00 but that don't happen, 12:30 I was in surgery finally I broke down, got somber versed and was out! The surgery was 5 hours, I was out under last thing I was was freaking the doctor and nurses helped out. I was in the hospital for 6 days my last 3 days where hard I had lost of blood during surgery,so I got a blood transfusion I felt a lot better after that, I was glad to have so much support,My doctor was this surgery was hardest boy he was right! The recovery was the worst pain of my life, but I stayed strong threw recovery,

 I had my 2 hip on my left hip surgery on october 22 2013, so 3 weeks ago today,my doctor said it was easier surgery and not so bad as the frist surgery, I wasn't scared at all for my 2 hip surgery because I knew what to expect and recovery was, I was in tosh orthopedic hospital for 4 days I love that place then being In a huge hospital. TOSH was very personal and layed back and together 
 at tosh, I loved my nurse at tosh much better then the university of Utah!My pain was much under control and they made me very comfortable, I got home from the hospital and was feeling good, I was more aware of my pains I had it undercontroll, I have to be on churches for about 6 weeks like my last surgery, I'm blessed to be under the amazing cafe of my family and my father in heaven

Monday, November 4, 2013

new..i like news

hello Everyone 

hope everyone is doing well!So much has happened since the last time i did a post!So sorry i haven't been posting as much i still need to learn this blogging thing!On June 25 i got a job at DI and i have LOVED IT i have learned and meet alot of amazing people there,I kept working there threw the summer, On August 15 we got a new Sandy Deseret industries its now at This is located at 825 East, 9400 South, Sandy, Utah, 84094 Now! I had to stop working at DI due to health problems and having hip surgery in a couple of months, i will be posting my feeling and progress more often. thank you! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Only 2 weeks!

Oh my goodness ! It's only been 2 weeks since surgery I have been trying to keep the pain under control witch is hard, I didn't realize how painful this recovery would be, I am trying to be brave, I still haven't been doing good at night, last night was hard night, today was a hard day due to pain and being beyond tired is my body is feeling better because I started my period last Thursday still on it BUT oh well that's life I I just know that my body is doing the right thin that is a sign that I'm getting back to normal I hope :) I am also EATING a lot threw this recovery and I am loving eating and able to keep it down that is a pure Miracle THANK YOU it still will take time but I am slowly feeling better with the eating process ;) I have missed eating my favorite foods!

I am excited for tomorrow because my mom and I go to my first doctors appointment to see DR.Petters since
My surgery! April 9 crazy that rime had gone so fast! I Wish recovery would be faster but with how big of a surgery I just had it will take time, I would like to thank everyone who has came and saw and visited me it has really helped me! Thank you for all your prayers to I have felt them

I would also like to seriously deeply thank my mom for her taking care of me threw of my surgeries,doctor appointment, late nights helping me calm down, and sleepiness night,and telling me that everything will me okay I have grown so close to my mom. I love you so much!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Hey everyone sorry I have behind on this blog I had my surgery last Tuesday and it went good coming out of anesthesia was weird I was happy to see my mom and family! My mom was thire threw post op Sunday night threw Monday morning my blood counts here low so I had to get a blood Transfusion,I'm glad I did because I wasn't doing to well! Thank you to the doner who gave me blood to help me

My friends&family where amazing to be there for me ;) recovery has been going pretty good and I'm keeping it easy and getting the rest I need thank you for everyone support love,prayers,fasting and help I am so grateful for all my blessing !

Monday, April 8, 2013

Time now

How crap I have my surgery tomorrow I can't believe come this fast! I will update everyone on Facebook or text, I know doing this surgery is going to help kendo amazing things and getting back to normal for me! I'm excited to ride my bike ect. i am grateful for my faith that's getting threw this and my mom strength and love going helping me :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

This is hard

I have been trying to keep busy and keeping my minde off my surgery it's been helping but now I'm getting to the point where I'm getting sad I wish not upset when I am in pain.. I have been pretty depressed with friends having normal jobs and me not being able to drive and be like the normal kids at my age, no I am not playing self pity game I'm just so ready to have my surgery and begin lifting a happy healthy fun life . I miss the old me , I'm trying my best to stay strong but why do I feel so alone?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2 week

 I am counting down now i started yesterday!I am getting excited and scared because my PAO(hip dysplasia ) surgery is in 2 weeks!!oh how times by!I am on spring break this week i go back to school next week and then i will be done with school, after next week is over we only have 8 weeks of school!

Yesterday i did my foot zoning it was much needed THANK YOU WENDY i feel alot better aftet getting it done threw the rest of the week i sleep better seince doing the foot zoning,i know the recovery will be hard but this surgery is help alot in the long run but the support that i have from friends and family i can get threw this:)My hip has been hurting bad today i disloacted my hip today so i have been sore but thanks for lortab and taking it easy and having a warm bath i have been feeling good this evening. The past few days have been overwhelming for me ... Doing scrapbooking, and indexing, cleaning has taken my Mind of things :) today is so beautiful outside I love this weather spring has Arrived!!🌻

Thursday, March 21, 2013

I am NOT alone

I just wanted to say that i am so blessed and grateful for the amazing support i have from FAMILY, FRIENDS, DOCTORS AND NURSES 

                              Keri NELISON My counselor
This year my doctor and friends,family told me that i need to see a counselor because i have had depression,anxiety and have a hard time expressing my feeling for a long time,Keri is a life savor!I haven't been this happy for about 2 years,Thank your Keri,

                                                       keisha Lynch GI Doctor 
keisha has saved my life!She has been my liver and Gastroenterologist for almost a year and half she has helped my stomach feel alot better with the new pain meds i have.I love how is always understanding,loving and funny letting me know that everything's is okay with me EcT, I have the best medical team Ever!

Foot has helped with hip pain!

About a month ago my mom"s friend Wendy (my mom also visit teaches Wendy) told her about foot zone i went with my mom to learn about foot zone from Wendy who does foot zone, I have seen a big difference from starting foot zone where before it i had no energy  and just wasn't feeling well,i have had so GI Issues for about year and a half,i feel better doing FZ ( foot zone) has helped ,me mange my hip pain and Wendy has helped me alot with ANXIETY she is amazing i love her!I am looking forward to getting my hip surgery and getting out of the way,Ever seine i have started doing foot zone with Wendy i am feeling better and i have more energy and im sleeping better at night!THANK YOU WENDY!
                                                        Wendy and i

What is Foot Zone Therapy

Zone Therapy is precise, directed pressure to the various “zones” of the feet. The Zone Therapy practitioner observes the foot and interprets the “messages’ it conveys through discoloration, texture and tenderness. When a signal point is triggered within a certain zone, a message goes to the tissue or organ effected, through a reflex arc to the spinal cord and then to the brain. Discomfort is experienced in the areas of imbalance–areas where healing is needed.
Zone Therapy stimulates every organ and renews the cell system in each treatment. Zone Therapy is a holistic approach which recognizes that all of the body’s cells and organs make up a complex and interactive organism.
Zone Balance does take time. It works with the body’s own innate intelligence, and only allows the body to do what it can when it can.
It is extremely important that your Zone Therapy treatment be administered by a Certified Zone Therapist. Much more occurs during a session than meets your eye or awareness, and practitioner experience is essential to achieving the full physical, mental and emotional benefit. A session typically lasts for 40-45 minutes. Multiple and consistent sessions over a two month period are recommended to detoxify and establish the bodies restorative process. After this period, you and your therapist will determine a schedule that is based on your individual needs and overall health. You will find that your body will tell you when it’s time for a Zone.

Benefits of Foot Zone Therapy

Zone Therapy encourages the body’s natural healing capability by stimulating:
  • blood circulation
  • hormone balance
  • lymph flow
  • digestion
  • assimilation
  • elimination
  • function of the autonomic nervous system
Most important benefits include:
  • renewing cell systems
  • rejuvenating life\ energy
  • bringing the body into balance
  • assess the body’s current state of health
Anyone will benefit from Zone Therapy. People of all ages and all conditions of health can enjoy improved health and vitality. You will experience a fuller more active life and can help others do the same.

Family's are Forever

                   My family is the best!i love them so much

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Ever seince i have been little i have Always walked a like funny,On october 8 i got knee surgery to fix my laterial release and fix a tourn meniscus,the recovery was hard,doing Physical Therapy helped out alot, But my knee never "felt better " My knee surgery Dr,Smitchd pretty my messed up my knee we are not to happy about it after having my surgery hip my knee  should be doing better my surgery was originally set for MAY7  my two doctors Dr.Travis Maak and DR.Chris called  me the other day and moved m surgery up to APRIL 9 i am so excited!!! but scared i am strong! While my family and i where in califorina(Disney Land)I had poped my hip out knew something wasnt right because i was in so much pain that i would barley walk and now we know why!

but in late febuary my knee and hip started dislocating i didnt think much of it untill it happended 3 times in 1 month,after going to 2 really good knee doctor, they both said i have  Hypermobile Knees
So both doctors didnt want to do surgery because of  Hypermobile Knees.So i was refured to a speical doctor that speicalizes in my hip problems Dr. Chris Petters at the Univeristy of Utah Hospital.I had to get a An arthrogram is a series of images, often X-rays, of a joint after injection of a contrast medium. The injection is normally done under a local anesthetic.The radiologist performs the study utilizing fluoroscopy or ultrasound to guide the placement of the needle into the joint and then injects an appropriate quantity of contrast it  hurt after due to the shot  of contrast,My mom and i meet with doctor petters and his team and they hace deciteded that i need a major orthpedic hip  surgery.I have two to have surgerys  in one. The hip is a ball (the head of femur, or thigh bone) and socket (acetabulum, which is formed by the pelvis). A PAO is an operation to correct deformity of the hip, in which the acetabulum does not cover the head of femur properly. In this situation, the force across the hip joint produced by body weight during standing, walking and running is not evenly distributed and becomes concentrated abnormally. This wears away the cartilage that lines the hip joint, resulting in osteo-arthritis. Osteo-arthritis refers to degeneration of a joint such that a patient experiences pain, then stiffness then ultimately inability ot use the joint at all.
The most common cause of deformity of the hip is hip dysplasia. There are other causes, such as Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. In a PAO, bone (osteo-) is cut (-tomy) around (peri-) the socket (-acetabular) in order to put it in a better position to cover the head of the femur. The most common type of PAO is the type developed in Berne, Switzerland (hence the name Bernese PAO) 1. The PAO is a joint-preserving operation, by contrast with a hip arthroplasty, which replaces the hip with a metal and plastic joint. The PAO is much better for a teenager or young adult (< 50 years of age) than a hip replacement2.

We have set my surgery  for april 9.My right is worse then the left, my right femer is turned 25% the worng way and i haveBAD  hip dysplasia.They are going turn my feumur and cut my pelvis in 3 places and mold it around the top of my femur to create a hip socket.They will  keep the bones with screws and put a rod in my femur the surgery will be 5 hours.This is a new procedure.Our surgeon is the formost one intermoutain west that performs this surgery.Its called hip preservation.The hope is that  100 % change that i would need a hip replacement when i am older. I am so ready for my surgery i want to walk with being in pain and not disloacting my hip,