Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Ever seince i have been little i have Always walked a like funny,On october 8 i got knee surgery to fix my laterial release and fix a tourn meniscus,the recovery was hard,doing Physical Therapy helped out alot, But my knee never "felt better " My knee surgery Dr,Smitchd pretty my messed up my knee we are not to happy about it after having my surgery hip my knee  should be doing better my surgery was originally set for MAY7  my two doctors Dr.Travis Maak and DR.Chris called  me the other day and moved m surgery up to APRIL 9 i am so excited!!! but scared i am strong! While my family and i where in califorina(Disney Land)I had poped my hip out knew something wasnt right because i was in so much pain that i would barley walk and now we know why!

but in late febuary my knee and hip started dislocating i didnt think much of it untill it happended 3 times in 1 month,after going to 2 really good knee doctor, they both said i have  Hypermobile Knees
So both doctors didnt want to do surgery because of  Hypermobile Knees.So i was refured to a speical doctor that speicalizes in my hip problems Dr. Chris Petters at the Univeristy of Utah Hospital.I had to get a An arthrogram is a series of images, often X-rays, of a joint after injection of a contrast medium. The injection is normally done under a local anesthetic.The radiologist performs the study utilizing fluoroscopy or ultrasound to guide the placement of the needle into the joint and then injects an appropriate quantity of contrast it  hurt after due to the shot  of contrast,My mom and i meet with doctor petters and his team and they hace deciteded that i need a major orthpedic hip  surgery.I have two to have surgerys  in one. The hip is a ball (the head of femur, or thigh bone) and socket (acetabulum, which is formed by the pelvis). A PAO is an operation to correct deformity of the hip, in which the acetabulum does not cover the head of femur properly. In this situation, the force across the hip joint produced by body weight during standing, walking and running is not evenly distributed and becomes concentrated abnormally. This wears away the cartilage that lines the hip joint, resulting in osteo-arthritis. Osteo-arthritis refers to degeneration of a joint such that a patient experiences pain, then stiffness then ultimately inability ot use the joint at all.
The most common cause of deformity of the hip is hip dysplasia. There are other causes, such as Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. In a PAO, bone (osteo-) is cut (-tomy) around (peri-) the socket (-acetabular) in order to put it in a better position to cover the head of the femur. The most common type of PAO is the type developed in Berne, Switzerland (hence the name Bernese PAO) 1. The PAO is a joint-preserving operation, by contrast with a hip arthroplasty, which replaces the hip with a metal and plastic joint. The PAO is much better for a teenager or young adult (< 50 years of age) than a hip replacement2.

We have set my surgery  for april 9.My right is worse then the left, my right femer is turned 25% the worng way and i haveBAD  hip dysplasia.They are going turn my feumur and cut my pelvis in 3 places and mold it around the top of my femur to create a hip socket.They will  keep the bones with screws and put a rod in my femur the surgery will be 5 hours.This is a new procedure.Our surgeon is the formost one intermoutain west that performs this surgery.Its called hip preservation.The hope is that  100 % change that i would need a hip replacement when i am older. I am so ready for my surgery i want to walk with being in pain and not disloacting my hip,

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