Wednesday, January 24, 2018

just keep on swimming .

2017 was a hard for me emotionally and physically, had it ups and downs happy moments and long day but im looking forward to 2018 to what it has in store in for me.I know i will grown stronger and be brave,what ever the lord has for me to face i know heavenly father has a plan for me i love him and he loves me, and knows me and never has given me a trial that i couldn't handle or take and that im in the lords loving hands and tender care, i am so grateful for him that he died for me so that we could he here on earth

-JANUARY 14 1998-.JANUARY 14 2018 
 was such Special day it marks 20 years that nik and have been in the Bartel family what a beautiful amazing ride it has been.I am so grateful for the gift of adoption and for the dream and vision my mom had of two brown twins for our family my brother bryan was the last child my mom had but my parents said our family wasn"t completed  me after having many other promptings mt mom got a call from lds solical services  and she got twins  she knew that we where her kids and the day we went to the cort house is snighed paper work  and went to the jordan river temple to get nik and i sealed to my family <3 adoption="" font="" for="" gift="" grateful="" im="" nbsp="" of="" so="" the="">

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